1.1 Installation
Integrated requires:
- PHP 7.1 or higher (including JSON, ctype and intl)
- MySQL or MariaDB database 5.0 or higher
- MongoDB database 3.0 or higher
- Solr 6.0 or higher
- Nodejs
For development, a configured Docker configuration is provided.
How to install
Install Composer and run the following command:
1 | php composer.phar create-project integrated/integrated-standard path/ "~0.25" --ignore-platform-reqs |
During the installation you need to enter the database details. If you are using the default development environment with Docker, you can use the default values. You may get some errors because you are not in the Docker container yet.
Start using the application
In the default development environment you can start your Docker containers and get into the PHP container:
1 2 3 | docker-compose start docker-compose exec php bash |
After that run composer install again (to make sure all packages have the correct version) and run the installer for database setup etc:
1 2 3 | composer install (or composer update) php bin/console integrated:install |
After that you can create a first user:
1 | php bin/console user:create username password Integrated ROLE_ADMIN |
Integrated is now available on the URL /admin/content (http://localhost:8080/admin/content).
You can login as the user you just created.
Cron jobs
For production, some cron jobs are required:
1 2 3 4 5 | * * * * * php bin/console solr:indexer:run --env=prod * * * * * php bin/console locking:dbal:clean --env=prod * * * * * php bin/console channel:export --env=prod * * * * * php bin/console solr:worker:run --env=prod * * * * * php bin/console workflow:worker:run -e prod |
Adding test data
Before you can add content, you first have to define the content types. You can do this manually by going to Manage - Content types and add some content types. All content types are based on a document type.
An easier way is to load the fixtures is:
1 2 | php bin/console doctrine:mongodb:fixtures:load php bin/console solr:indexer:run -f -e prod |